DRAWING AND PAINTING, Led by: MA Koča Ognjanović, MA fine arts.
SCULPTING AND DRAWING, Led by: Milorad Mića Stajčić, sculptor
MOSAIC, Led by: MA Aleksandar Pantić, MA mosaic and icon painting, art teacher
ICON PAINTING, Led by: MA Aleksandar Pantić, MA mosaic and icon painting, art teacher and icon painter, church artist in Braničevo Diocese within Serbian Orthodox Church
COSTUME AND FASHION DESIGN, Led by: Boris Čakširan; costume designer
PHOTOGRAPHY, Led by: Ivan Petrović, photographer, visual artist
GRAPHIC, Led by: MA Jelena Damnjanović, MA in fine arts, printmaker
CALLIGRAPHY, Led by: MA Jelena Damnjanović, MA in fine arts, printmaker
HISTORY OF ART AND THEORY OF ART AS FORM, Led by: Ksenija Marinković, historian of art
MULTIMEDIA ART, Led by: MA Milan Tepavac-Tarin, painter, MA in multimedia arts
ACTING WORKSHOP, Led by: Danijela Vranješ, actress
All educational art programs include:
- Theoretical lectures;
- Verbal presentation, conversation, demonstration, historical sources utilization, text templates, analytical observation, the visual outline method and active classes: lecturer – student, lecturer – students, students – students combined with creative excersizes and analysis of achieved and performed results;- Use of various teaching materials, modern tools and information resources;Practical classes;
- Collaborating with other groups - integrating different curriculums and other educational programs and events in the Center, city and worlwide;
- Creatiive workshops and lectures (as well as guest lecturers) determined by themes, domains, teams;
- Visits to exhibitions and institutions relevant for improving curriculums;
- Participating in exhibitions orginized in Šumatovačka; Entering competitions and creating enviroment for collaboration and taking part in different projects (including international ones);
- Creating and maintaining data bases, e.g. contributing Šumatovačka documentary and art achives, collecting and distributing information from around the world (about arts and culture, events editions, publications etc.), active involvement in making of Center’s web page contents and presenting Šumatovačka to public through different media;
- Evaluating work and sel-analysis.