Art workshops in Šumatovačka are primarily designed for children and youth, with main goal to educate, develope and create a future audience as one of the strategic advocates for construction and development of city’s cultural policy.

According to contemporary cultural development policies, new forms of communication and art, and wanting to contribute to development and exploration of art scene in our city, Šumatovačka broadened its educational programs with art workshops. As an institution of culture, the Center is committing itself to exploring and acting in domain of active reflections, in both traditional art and current visual art trends. In addition, to take part in art education by wide range of activities in the Center and outside of it- with guest programs held in elementary and high schools.

Шлиц стрип редакција, Тамара Антонијевић


Workshops designed by Šumatovačka creative team, which either started or planned in the near future, respond to following needs:

  • Contribution to developing creative and cultural habits of children and youth, which does not depend on financial and social status; enriching educational processes with extracurricural activities and programs which are available to everyone regardless of social status;

  • Decreasing of cultural poverty of children and young people;

  • Quality education for children and youth which engages all integrated potentials of a child/teenager- encourages and develops other types of intelligence such as interpersonal (social) and intra-personal (emotional) besides the logical-mathematical one. Also helps in developing creative capacities of every child;

  • Involving young people in creating their own working environment – School fitted to a child’s measures (School as a child friendly environment);

  • Realization of extracurricular activities and projects as a form of supporting implementation of quality practices, complementary use of resources and informing interested public; 

  • Introduction of various activities non related to school curriculums as a regular liabilities;

  • Improvement of children and disabled people rights (all curriculums in Šumatovačka are inclusive).



We don’t teach a child how to draw a bird or a tree, but rather how to express his own notion of a bird and then we go outside and climb the tree. (Asja and Marija Vasiljev, From the anual exhibition catalogue of workshops: Colorful Feet and Baušumova workshop, June, 22 – 29. 2011. Stepenište Gallery).


  • COLORFUL FEET (age: 3-7 years), led by: Marija Vasiljev, painter and Adrijana Ignjatović, pedagogy graduate student;  

  • BAUŠUMOVA WORKSHOP (age: 7-14years), led by: Marija Vasiljev, painter and Adrijana Ignjatović, pedagogy graduate student; 

  • YOUNG WRITERS IN ACTION WITH JASMINKA PETROVIĆ (аgе:12-18 years), led by: Jasminka Petrović,children’s book author; 

  • ILLUSTRATIONS AND COMICS, led by: Aleksandar Jevtić and Dejan Mandić, independent artists, printmakers - illustrators;  

  • BATIK COURSE, Led by: Marija Vasiljev, painter.



  • HARAJUKU, fashion workshop for teenagers and students, led by: Jelena Stojanović, stage designer; 
  • SHADOW THEATRE, led by: Jelena Stojanović, stage designer;
  • COMICS AND ILLUSTRATION COURSE ĐORĐE LOBAČEV, led by: Vladimir Vesović, artist (comic artist, illustrator, animator), pedagogue, screen writer, editor
  • PUBLIC PERFORMANCE COURSE THE BEST ME led by: Veljko Jovanović, TV journalist, media and PR consultant.


Кинетичка башта, Каркатаг колектив и Шуматовачка, Врачарска башта, 2011Јасминка Петровић, Гига прави море